Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Essay on importance of blood donation

Essay on importance of blood donation

essay on importance of blood donation

Importance of Blood Donation World Blood Donor Day. A campaign of WHO, this day is also marked by the heart-warming gesture of thanking each donor. National Voluntary Blood Donation Day. Under the initiative of Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Benefits of Blood Donation: Why You Should Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Essay on Blood Donation Blood Group. There are mainly four types of blood groups: A, B, AB, and O. Negative O blood group is the universal donor Benefits of Blood Donation. There are many advantages to donating blood. The most important benefit is that you are World Blood Donor Day. Blood Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins The blood donation not only can save people’s life, the donors also get many unexpected health benefits when they do blood transfusion regularly. One of them is it can reduce the iron overload in our body as lower the risk of cancer and risk of liver and heart diseases. It also can reduce obesity cause of weight losses when we donate blood regularly

Blood Donation Importance - Words | Essay Example

Blood donation essay on importance of blood donation a voluntary practice that helps those in need of blood transfusion due to some accident or illness. The most essential body fluid, excessive blood loss can cause an untimely death if the need is not fulfilled immediately. Hence, blood donation is a life-saving procedure. A campaign of WHO, this day is also marked by the heart-warming gesture of thanking each donor. Under the initiative of Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology, since1st October is observed in India as National Voluntary Blood Donation Day. Besides natural disasters and diseases, an unstoppable increase in road accidents is a major factor in India that necessitates the demand for blood. Thus, essay on importance of blood donation, on this day, several camps are organized in our country to influence people to donate blood willingly.

There may be different reasons behind the blood requirement of an ill person, essay on importance of blood donation. Maybe he has met with an accident, has undergone an operation or is suffering from an illness like anemia. Your donated blood goes on to help this affected person in overcoming his critical situation and regain new life. It symbolizes a helpful and responsible gesture not only to the person in need, but also towards society at large. Blood donation is not at all harmful for the body; rather the four or five liters of blood that can be donated every three or four months by both men and women ensures that you remain fit and fine.

Firstly, the cell depletion that occurs due to blood donation, essay on importance of blood donation, forces the body to produce new cells within 48 hours, thereby freshening up the entire body system. Secondly, the body is armed against a host of diseases ranging from liver and heart problems to even cancer. Thirdly, within just one or two months, a donor regains his lost blood. Thus, donating blood is in another way, a step towards revitalizing your body. Blood can neither be artificially produced nor can it be stored beyond a definite time. Amidst the three components of blood, plasma can be preserved for years, red blood cells can be stored for 42 days and platelets can be kept only for 5 days.

Consequently, the rush for blood is always on the high in hospitals and the only way to meet this requirement is through donation. Since three different components are provided essay on importance of blood donation a single donation, three different people may be helped by it. Considering the millions of people needing blood every year, imagine how each donation is, therefore, precious. In India, where the annual demand for blood is 12 million per units, only 9 million units get collected through voluntary or family donations.

Naturally, many deaths occur due to insufficient blood supply. To avoid such calamities, more voluntary donors are required. It is important to note that blood taken from non-remunerated blood donors is generally considered as the safest source of blood since it has a low incidence of Transfusion Transmissible Infections such as HIV, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B, Essay on importance of blood donation, and Syphilis. A person, before donating blood is subjected to a complete diagnosis by doctors and hospital professionals to determine the levels of iron, haemoglobin, cholesterol, etc in his body.

This enables the donor to have a clear idea of the condition of his body. It is only when everything is fine that he is allowed to donate blood. Similarly, you cannot donate blood if you suffer from diseases such as cardiac arrest, hypertension, epilepsy or diabetes or if you have undergone treatment for malaria within the last three months. Human life is priceless and thus to make sure that not a single life is lost due to blood shortage, take a positive initiative towards donating blood and give someone the blessing of life. Importance of Blood Donation. My Essay Point. About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy Site Map Submit Article.

Importance of Blood Donation

, time: 5:16

essay on importance of blood donation

As a blood donation requires a preliminary health check-up, we get a complete diagnosis. It makes us aware of the levels of iron, hemoglobin, cholesterol and more. Thus, we see that blood donation is an important procedure in saving human life. It is a great initiative that must be encouraged everywhere. FAQs on Blood Donation EssayEstimated Reading Time: 3 mins Importance Of Blood Donation Essay A Research Study On The Three Patch Presentation Topics That Consisted Of Organ Donation For The Biology Patch. Marketing Strategies Of The United Nations Children 's Fund (Unicef) And American Red Cross. This also gives them a The Longest Running Fued is the The blood donation not only can save people’s life, the donors also get many unexpected health benefits when they do blood transfusion regularly. One of them is it can reduce the iron overload in our body as lower the risk of cancer and risk of liver and heart diseases. It also can reduce obesity cause of weight losses when we donate blood regularly

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