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Video games and violence essay

Video games and violence essay

video games and violence essay

Video Games and Violence Essay. Words11 Pages. One of the main concerns with respect to violence in video games compared to other media is the fact that games are immersive, and interactive. They are repetitive, and based on a reward system which is a proven psychological component of classical conditioning discovered by Ivan Pavlov Jan 22,  · Furthermore these violent video games can help these veterans get over PTSD. Video games are not to blame for the violence today. Opposing the traditional views video games can be used as therapy to help those needing hand-eye coordination. Going hand in hand with this, military veterans could use violent video games to get over PTSD Oct 10,  · Video Games And Violence: An Exploratory Essay. The year was The video game company Exidy released an arcade video game known as Death Race. In this game, the player takes control of a car, and is tasked to run over fleeing stick figures, known as gremlins. Running a gremlin over would result in a screaming sound effect, and the gremlin

Research On Video Games and Violence - Free Essay Example |

We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: GamesViolenceVideo Gamesvideo games and violence essay, AggressionVideoVirtual RealityBrainActivity. Pages: 4. Words: In the previous three decades, video games have contributed significantly on how people spend their free time. The expansion of the video game industry in the past has contributed to a lot of video games and violence essay concerning the stuffing of the games being issued. Various research activities have been done to establish the effects of violent video games. This is due to the fact that many biological and physical changes occur during puberty are subject to exposure to violent video games. This paper tries to elaborate the effects of violent video games on the brain, as well as the subjects of aggression and hostility with the goal of controlling the effects of video game violence.

It has accomplished that people engaged in many video games have higher capabilities to commit serious offences and less likely to offer help to others. On the other hand, critics these associations only substantiate that violent people concentrate on violent games, not those games alter behavior. At present, it has been established that people who engage in violent video games demonstrate reduced brain response to situations of real-life violence, for instance using guns, but not external emotional disturbing characteristics like those of dead natural world or ailing children. And the decrease in response is associated with aggressive character. The study shows that the brain activity is a characteristic signal seen in an electroencephalogram recording of brain waves as we see an image.

The brain activity measurement reflects an evaluation of emotional content of an image becoming larger if people are astonished or disturbed by an image or if an object is strange. In the study, a questionnaire was conducted on 39 experienced players on the number of games they played. The respondents were then shown actual images, video games and violence essay, specifically of unbiased scenes but mixed with violent or negative scenes while recording brain activity. In respondents with highest level of experience of violent games, the brain activity response to the violent images was less significant and tardy.

The respondents with high experience in violent video games did not recognize them as much distinctive from neutral. They developed insensitivity. On the other hand, their responses are still accurate for the non-violent negative scenes. There are situations when video games have been used to desensitize soldiers to scenes of war. Unfortunately, when the players were afterward given the chance to capitalize on an opponent's weakness, respondents having the least brain activity meted out the most serious punishments. Due to this observation, exposure to violent games has consequences on the brain that determines aggressive behavior.

On therapy point of view, there are more intellectual benefits from video games. These involve puzzle games like the popular Tetris. This genre of games stimulates the mind by presenting challenges and puzzles in place of enemies and worlds. The purpose of these games is to keep the mind energetic and alert. This criterion of game-play has brought about the notion that video games can be applied as a form of therapy. A video game can be created to assist a particular type of person, whether it is to assist connect positive memory cells in the brain, or simply kindle brain activity in general. Because video games are created in a programmatic nature, their probabilities of creation are without limit, video games and violence essay.

Gardner tried out the first research on this issue. He video games and violence essay applied video games as a way of psychotherapy in young children. This improvement has been used as a benchmark on this issue, with greater concern on dealing with mentally-ill patients. On the context of Eye-Hand coordination it has been found that those who participate in video games have greater eye-hand coordination. This is due to the fact that some sort of skill is required to be able to play the games. These factors are considered and then the coordinates brain explanation and reaction with the hand movement and fingertips, a process which requires a great deal of hand-eye coordination and visual-spatial capacity to be successful.

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Influence of video games on youth in promoting violent behaviour -- side effects of video games

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Video Game Violence Essay - Free Paper Sample

video games and violence essay

Free Essay for You: Video Games and Violent Behaviours. Published: These include mental health, family history of violence, neglect, and abuse. In contrast, individuals play video games for minutes or hours; these games do not portray reality as compared to factors such as violence at home. Hence, they are less likely to cause violent tendencies. Video games facilitate the release of anger and stress among the Video Games and Violence Essay. Words11 Pages. One of the main concerns with respect to violence in video games compared to other media is the fact that games are immersive, and interactive. They are repetitive, and based on a reward system which is a proven psychological component of classical conditioning discovered by Ivan Pavlov

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